Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The One with the East German Laundry Detergent

So our landlord's still haven't finished the laundry room. The washer and dryer have been out in the garage, waiting to be installed. As you can imagine, our laundry has really piled up. First we ran out of underwear, so my nice in-laws allowed me to use their appliances to get them clean. Then we ran out of towels, and jeans, and then shirts, and then pretty much everything else. I didn't want to do all this laundry at my in-laws so Cameron suggested the laundromat. 

I said: Not only no....I don't know why, but I have this intense fear of laundromats; probably right up there with public bathrooms and ketchup dispensers. I prolonged it, and tried to come up with other options, but alas - we ran out of options. Cam said he'd protect me, but I was pretty sure I would somehow be raped and murdered. (Cam says it's not nice to joke about rape and murder...I assure you that I'm not)

We first went to a laundromat off of Barker in Greenacres. It was in a gas station next to a Wendys. When we first pulled up, there were two questionable, scary men in front. Cam got out and went to look to see if it was open...one of the guys, this icky looking old man who looked high on something had gotten into his truck and started blasting Maroon 5... "Well at least he has good taste in music," I thought; and then he waved and winked at me. That's just what I need. 

Cam came back and the laundromat had closed at 7. So we made our way over to the laundromat off of Sprague and Mullan. It was far less scary, but still a laundromat. We loaded all our laundry into 5 washers and waited...and waited...and waited...

Cam took this picture of me waiting...

We got tired of waiting, so I went next door and got some snacks. Cam really likes the Peach/Mango Fuze - but not only that, look what I found!!!

Huckleberry Licorice!!! I've been looking everywhere for these for the past couple years and have had a hard time finding them. Thank you Hi-Co Mart, you're the best!

Thus ended the laundromat adventure. Now I can sleep peacefully knowing my sheets and blankets are clean as well as my clothes, and that I did not in fact die. I really hope they get our laundry room together soon.


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