Saturday, June 14, 2014

25 week update

What do I do with my hand?
I technically won't be 25 weeks till Monday, but I'm rounding up. I thought I'd give an update on how the babies and myself are doing - I've been procrastinating for a while now.

I'm doing great other than the heartburn which is awful! Changing my diet has helped some and I'm hoping the "miracle drug" that my doctor prescribed me recently will work. The other night I tried a couple things that my doctor suggested: Maalox and apple cider vinegar and it was horrific. I threw everything up all over myself, some of which came through my nose. My nose and throat burned for a good 24 hours afterwards.

I have a lot of growing pains and sometimes I feel like a beached whale; my allergies have been worse than ever and I'm generally always tired, but all things considered, I feel pretty good. I'm surprised that I haven't gotten any stretch marks yet. That's not meant to brag, I have stretch marks in other places so I know that I get them - I just have been lucky so far not to get them during my pregnancy...I say yet because I'm sure they're coming.

My biggest stresser is that we're moving at the end of the month and I need to pack and clean my house. Many have offered to help pack and I really truly appreciate that, but I prefer to pack by myself. I always wait till the last minute and I know I'm not the most efficient person when it comes to this, but I always make it work. I think I'll take people up on their offers to clean once I'm through packing though.

Karen came over and helped Cam weed the beds which was SOOO helpful! I helped a little but to be honest, they did most of the work. I was running around screaming when I looked down to discover a ginormous spider on my arm.

The dogs have been a lot of work, but it's times like these that I appreciate Cam working from home. He's been great at watching the dogs while I sleep for an hour or two. It's nice that Bruno and Cinders entertain themselves for the most part and then the rest of the time sleep.

Cinders really likes to cuddle with me on the couch. Her favorite spot is behind my legs where my knees bend, but if that spot's not available, she really likes resting her head on my belly. This can be difficult at
Our Baby Girl
times because at close to 40 lbs, she crushes me and my babies a little. She's a sweetheart though and easy to love.

The babies are doing well. Our little girl is situated on the bottom and I feel her most because the spaces are tight. She is growing really small and is only in the 19th percentile. She has a 2 vessel umbilical cord instead of the normal 3, so she doesn't get as many nutrients as her brother. This last time I went in, she hadn't really grown at all.

Our Baby Boy
The doctor said it's nothing to stress out about yet, but I think that's what she says to every pregnant woman to keep them from freaking out. We have to take lots of tests and my ultra sounds are getting closer together. At my next visit, I have to do a glucose/diabetes test...something to look forward to.

Our boy is doing well, he's right behind my belly button and he's in the 32nd percentile.

They move around a lot, but I can't feel them a lot from the outside. I'm excited to finally start putting together our nursery once we move - I'm still having a hard time imagining these two little babies outside of me.


Krista said...

You look so cute!! Moving is so stressful already, I can't imagine being pregnant and doing it. Hang in there. Being tired is hard, but that is never going to go away now😉.

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