Monday, July 1, 2013

A Sum-Up and My Experience with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

I’ve never felt comfortable with my doctor in Coeur d’ Alene; I had heard from many people that the fertility specialist in Spokane (Dr. Robins) was really good, even the best in the Northwest, but I didn’t want to wait the 5-6 months to get in to see him. I felt that maybe if I could just get pregnant under the care of this doctor, then I would be able to go back to my own OB and never have to deal with him anymore. I was told by some family that I should just stop going to my doctor until I could see the new one. I guess I was worried that if I switched doctors, I’d have to start over completely with the new doctor.

So what don’t I like about my current doctor? I had been told by many that fertility treatment was just frustrating and that there were certain things that all doctors did, and that’s the way it was. I guess I warped this to mean that I should put up with my doctor and his crazy antics. On our first visit, in his office – before he even examined me or talked to me about my fertility health, he tells me he wants to put me on Clomid and start doing IUI’s. Red flags immediately went up. When I told him my concerns about Clomid and how I had heard that there were a lot of nasty side-effects, he told me that I had been listening to my friends too much. He told me that he had been doing this for years and that most of his patients didn’t have major side-effects. This didn’t reassure me, but I felt that I needed to do what I could to try to have a baby.

So I went on Clomid, then the HCG, then the IUI, then the progesterone. I have been non-stop nauseous since I started the Clomid back at the beginning of May. Along with that, I’ve had almost non-stop cramping that is super painful, dizziness, a couple hot flashes, and moodiness. The HSG scan didn’t go too well and I was prescribed hydrocodone on top of all that. For the week after the HSG scan, I laid in bed crying and sleeping unable to move.

So needless to say, I was a little wary about going in to see the acupuncturist today. I had felt that I had been poked and prodded enough as it was, and didn’t care for more intrusion and more expense. I had heard from a lot of people that it was quite painless, so that wasn’t it. I think I just saw this visit as another frustrating bump in the road that I had to get done. Luckily for me though, my insurance covered nearly all the cost of the visit.

When I first got there, I filled out some paperwork about my history. Afterwards, Dr. Colleen Smith came out and escorted me back to her office. Dr. Colleen is an actual specialist in women’s health and holds degree in herbology, Chinese medicine, and nursing.  I sat in a chair next to her desk, and she proceeded to talk about my history in more depth. She checked my tongue….not sure why; and she asked me questions about my sleep, whether I’m cold or hot most of the time, how many times I pee during the night…so on and so forth.

We talked about my fertility process so far and I was able to explain to her my frustrations with my current doctor and the plan he had for me. She said that Clomid was extremely bad for you and shouldn’t be used unless absolutely necessary especially along with the HCG. She said that he should have and could have proved that I did ovulate on my own. Because my hormonal tests have come out positive in the past and I have always had regular periods, she was positive that I ovulated on my own. I also told her that I had to beg for standard tests to be done. She said that Dr. Robins, the specialist in Spokane, refuses to use Clomid and always runs a series of tests at the beginning, ruling many things out.

I told her about my concerns with waiting so long to get in to see him, and she told me that it only took about 6-8 weeks to get in. Then she told me that she recommended that I stop seeing my doctor completely until I could get in to see Dr. Robins. When she told me this, I felt a huge weight off my shoulders. I felt immediately relaxed and hopeful about my fertility treatment future. I guess I realized then and there just how wrong this doctor was for me. She validated my thoughts and apprehensions when it came to his treatment plans.
She then went on to give me a list of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to my health and what I expose or put in my body. Here it is:

No coffee
No tea
No alcohol
No sandwich meats
No soda
No soy
Limit refined sugars
No white flour products, only whole wheat
Eat pears
Eat citrus fruits
Eat cashews
Limit red meat to 3x a week
Organic if possible
Wash produce in vinegar and rinse with water
Limit use of plastics (don’t microwave food in plastic)
Clean counters with vinegar water
Don’t touch laundry or dish soap, use gloves

The first 4 items on this list don’t even apply to me, so it won’t be hard going without. I think the hardest things to give up will be the carbs, I hate whole wheat. It will also be hard getting use to not using cleaners on my counter or using gloves to do that laundry. All in all, I think I can do this and I hope that it will help.

Colleen wants to detoxify my body including the Clomid I’ve been using. She put me on some herbal pills and vitamins.

The actual acupuncture was painless. The ones she stuck on my scalp pinched a little, and the one in my right arm irritated my skin and caused some hives, but other than that it wasn’t bad at all. The acupuncture process only lasted 20-25 minutes.

She’s going to have me come in several times a month for 3-12 months. It all depends on how I respond to treatment.

When I got home, I made an appointment with Dr. Robins for the 12 of August, and I’m really excited and hopeful about the future. I’m relieved that I don’t have to go back to the doctor in CDA or be on Clomid anymore.


andreamichelle said...

After getting kidney stones last week, I have sworn I will never drink soda again. I'm sure I will, but it will be rarely because I will be so paranoid about getting kidney stones again. Everything on her list sounds pretty normal stuff you hear either through the word of wisdom (if you are LDS) or scientific journals, etc. for getting healthy, so it makes sense. It is amazing how much we eat without thinking, and how it really makes us feel cruddy and yet we still do it.

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