Thursday, October 17, 2013

Oh the Weather a little cold!

I didn't sleep very well last night. I seemed that no matter which position I maneuvered myself into, I was really uncomfortable. I'm probably just getting old ;). So Cam and I got out of bed, he went down to work in The Dungeon the basement, and I fed Bruno.

When I looked outside, everything was frosted over and there was a thick fog covering everything. It was beautiful and made me feel glad that I wasn't outside...then I thought about it and realized that it was quite chilly in here. I went over to adjust the thermostat which was set to off. So I decided to turn the fire on. I hope Cam doesn't freeze down there, but he likes his temperatures to be cold. (He keeps a fan by our bed all year round!)

This is the beautiful fiery red bush that sits right next to our mailbox. It had frosted over during the night.

Bruno's last two dog beds are in his ginormous crate and hanging on by their last thread...we really need to get new ones, but the last time we went to Costco, they were all out! This made me go a little crazy seeing as those are our favorite dog beds by far and hold up the longest. So I folded and piled a bunch of blankets on top of each other and laid them in front of the fire...I think they'll do for now.

That pillow looks dirty, but I promise it's just a weird shadow.

Growing up in the Coulee, I loved this time of year (who doesn't really?) I mean, I'm always sad when the warm weather goes away, but now is the time where things start getting comfy. Even the snow isn't so bad until about the time that January 3 comes around...then it's just ugly, stupid snow that makes everything miserable...Around that time I start getting a little cabin crazy and maybe a little bit of the SADS...WHERE'S THE SUN, GIVE ME THE SUN!!!!!

But right now is perfect! Growing up, I remember that around the end of September, maybe the beginning of October, mom would get the Halloween decorations out. I loved this! We would help her decorate the house and have a blast doing so. I remember we had a little black cat candle..I think he was sitting on a pumpkin, but he was my favorite.

Our crappy little bookcase fell I tried putting as many books as I could on this little stand.

As for Halloween costumes, I was a bunny rabbit every year. What can I say, I looked adorable!

I even found a picture of Cameron dressed as a clown, he's so cute!

I loved the holidays growing up. We had a wood stove that would heat the entire house. We had a ton of trees in our yard that would produce a lot of leaves. We would rake them all up into a huge pile and then jump in them for hours or make tunnels through them. 

One time we got all the neighborhood kids together and they brought all their leaves from their yard and combined them with our leaves to make this massive pile! Dad wasn't too pleased with that. We then moved them to another neighbor's yard. It's funny how we did all that, but when it came time to get rid of them, no one wanted to put work in to do it.

My absolute favoritest (it's a word now) holiday was Thanksgiving (still is)! I remember one time, dad and I went on a walk right before dinner. It was very fun and he talked about his most favorite thanksgiving memories. I loved moments like this. Our family also played lots of games and built puzzles together. It was simple things like this that created the best memories.

My least favorite things about the holidays were helping others. I know this is horrible for me to say, but let me explain! My dad was an extremely hard worker and always found ways to help and serve others. He would gather up all of us kids and we would go to Sister Hughes home to chop and stack wood. She was an older woman who lived alone who depended on this wood to heat her home. 

It would always be cold and I was always miserable. Looking back now, I appreciate the example my father set for me and hope that I can serve others now as selflessly as he did. 

I remember also doing things like "Santa's Helpers." I hated that! We would go door to door asking for donations in the freezing cold. One time, my little brother Charlie and I walked up to this house where this woman cam rushing out, yelling at us to get off her property. She exclaimed that she hates Jehovah Witnesses....OK...good to know. Since when did they start sending 10 and 7 year old's to proselyte by themselves?

Dad would always have Hot chocolate and a fire waiting when we got home. Of course our freezing hands would burn like crazy next to the hot fire, but we'd get over it. 

I'm excited for the coming holidays and hope that by next year this time, we can have a new addition to our family.

I hope that all of your holidays are cheerful and comfy this year! Stay warm and rejoice in the little things like sitting in front of a fire or under a blanket with loved ones. Dress up for Halloween, drive around and enjoy the beautiful fall colors. Drink Hot Chocolate and Apple Cider and go nuts with the holiday music. 

Just Enjoy!


Krista said...

Amen! Just enjoy!

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