Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hospital Adventures

So around 3 this morning, I got up to use the restroom and as I was trying to fall back asleep, all of a sudden out of nowhere I get this searing sudden pain that was going through my chest. I told myself it was probably just indigestion so I tried to just suck it up. However, it kept getting worse and the pain was just non-relenting.

So I got up and grabbed some Tylenol (extra strength), but it just got lodged in my esophagus and made the situation worse. I laid in bed as the Tylenol dissolved in my esophagus (so fun), however, the pain was still searing and seemed to be getting worse. We had both gone to bed extremely late and had hoped to sleep in, so I didn't want to wake Cam. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain and I kept telling myself that it would just gradually go away. Eventually however, I started gasping for air and getting cold sweats.

I figured this was the time to wake Cam, which I did. I felt so bad because he was already sleep deprived as it was. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do because I try to avoid the hospital at all cost - seriously, at all cost lol. I have a history of heart problems myself and heart problems run deep on my dad's side of the family so I was starting to panic. Cam convinced me to go to the ER, which I tried to protest (Again, I hate the hospital).

Luckily, no one was at the hospital so we got served rather quickly. I always get super frustrated when 10 different people come into your room and ask you what's wrong. You'd think someone would have written it down at some point - and as I was gasping for air, I didn't feel like going over it so many times. I may have gotten a little snappy at one poor guy and I was like "seriously?!".

One guy came in to take an EKG and totally got all up in my business. After he left Cam was like, "he totally just saw your boobs!" I laughed and was like, "who hasn't?" I swear I'm not a floozy in any way, but after 2 or so years of fertility treatments and OBGYN visits, you kind of get used to having your 'business' on display. I had one doctor (an OBGYN) who just went right into a breast exam without any sort of warning...I was like "oh, ok...we're doing this..."

So, the doctor finally came in and luckily had a pretty quick diagnoses. I was having esophageal spasms which are really painful spasms that squeeze your esophagus and it can resemble a heart attack because it's searing constant pain in your mid chest area.

At first, they gave me some Malox with lydocaine that numbed the area and eased the pain which was nice, but it only lasted 10-15 minutes before it wore off. Then I just had to take some pepcid ac...It still hurt, but luckily I was able to go home and eventually fall asleep.

I'm glad it's all over and there's some pain still, but no where near as bad as this morning. Hopefully, I won't have to go through that again. When we got home, we slept until noon which was very nice for us and not so much for Bruno - I'm pretty sure that he's resenting us a little for all the time he's spent inside lately.


Jeff and Erika Mitchell said...

Okay scary. Glad to hear you are okay. How do you keep it from happening again?

ShelbySpear said...

There's not really a way. You can take meds once it's happening, but I don't think there's a way of preventing it.

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