Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lazy Crazy Saturdays

Saturdays are a special day. It's the day you get to sleep in!! Every other day Cam gets up early for work and I usually have a hard time falling back asleep after that. Saturdays should mean that you can sleep as long as you want without interruptions. It doesn't though. My body seems programmed now to automatically wake up at 9am or earlier. I think it's a cruel joke the universe is playing on me. So I'll rebel and lay in bed anyway telling myself that I have to fall back asleep or else! But it never works. 

I remember at one point I woke up horrified from a night mare I had. We were living in an apartment with 2 other strange families and I had to share a tiny kitchen with all of them. The only thing separating our living space from the rest of their living space was a swinging door. I was mortified!

So this morning, a bunch of guys from our ward were getting together to do some gun shooting and know, man stuff. Us women folk weren't invited - which I'm not entirely bummed about. I had a plan set forth from last night. I was going to get up and clean my way through the house and mow the yard which was getting super long. But who am I kidding? I did mow the lawn, but realized half way through that I didn't have anywhere to put the cut grass. I over-filled our garbage can of all the grass I had cut so far and finished the front yard. The back yard was not so lucky, it's going to have to wait till Monday. 

When Cam got back from his day with the guys (most of his morning was spent trying to find the place, which was way out in the middle of nowhere), we went to Home Depot with Bruno. He's been acting up lately which hasn't been completely fun. We've gotten kind of lazy with his training, and he's been testing boundaries. He jumped at a lot of people at Home Depot, so I don't think we're going to be going back there anytime soon.

It was kind of a lazy day for me though altogether. We did manage to take Bruno to the dog park. Because it's Saturday and the weather is amazing, we thought the park would be full of dogs and super fun. There were only old people with tiny rat dogs left. This lesbian couple were there with at least 10 dogs ranging in tiny sizes, but Bruno tends to be kind of awkward around them. Towards the end of our visit, someone came with a German shepherd, whom Bruno played with tons! 

I think he could have definitely been worn out more, but I'll take it. We had to force him in his crate, and that's where he's napping right now. I think I want to take a nap, but I should probably make dinner. I think I'll just make Stir-Fry.


Tenika Dennis said...

I'm sorry, 9 am isn't sleeping in?! ha ha. At my house it's considered sleeping in if you don't have to get up before 8. ;)

ShelbySpear said...

9 is sleeping in. But Saturday's I want to sleep in much longer. Lol, I don't know what I'm going to do when we have kids, I really like my sleep.

andreamichelle said...

I agree, 9 am is totally considered sleeping in here in my house as well :) You adjust when you have kids, you just have to whether you like it or not. So, the grass clippings-- if you have any flower beds, use it for mulch around the flowers. it keeps down the weeds and helps keep the ground from drying out. I don't get enough grass clippings from my yard, mainly because we don't have a bag on the back of our mower so I have to rake it up. I get these little meager piles that barely mulch one plant. last year though, i mulched around my iris's with the grass clippings, and didn't need to weed again. it was awesome.

ShelbySpear said...

I only have potted plants on the deck.

Krista said...

I hear ya. I soo wish I could sleep in. Just one day! That's all I want. For nothing to wake me up, but alas, I guess this is part of getting old. Boo

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