Sunday, March 16, 2014

2014 San Francisco Vacation

To look at our pics, you can just click on one and go through the slide-show. They look better enlarged.

We left for San Francisco last Sunday extremely early. We didn't really sleep before we left at 1:50am. It was daylight savings, so we skipped 2am and went on to 3. It may not look like it from here, but the plane between Spokane and Seattle was ridiculously small - luckily we survived.

I already get pretty sick when I fly, but being pregnant made it a million times worse!! It was extremely brutal. I was so excited when we landed in San Fran, mostly due to the fact that my feet were on solid ground. We rented our first rental car and our first stay was at the Sheraton Fisherman's Wharf hotel. It was in a great location right on the pier and we had a great view of the city from our window.

On Monday, we left our hotel to get a morning Jamba Juice which was supposed to be a couple minutes away, when all of a sudden we found ourselves in downtown SF. I am not a city person at all!! Sometimes I really wish I was, but I get so unbelievably overwhelmed in large crowds or tight spaces, and the smell of urine on the sidewalk (it was icky).

We thought we'd try to go to a museum, but all of them were closed. We finally escaped into a mall for a while. I was happy to get back to our hotel after that.

On Tuesday, we made our way out to Alcatraz. We both really enjoyed this visit, and found it extremely interesting...I really like anything historical, so there's no surprise there.

Golden Gate Bridge from Alcatraz

View of SF City Skyline from Alcatraz

Alcatraz Light House

Afterwards, we walked along the pier and visited pier 39. We ate at the Pier Market Grill and then went out and watched the seals/sea lions on the pier...who knows what they are?

On Wednesday, we made our way down to Monterey. The hotel we stayed at was right on the ocean with beautiful views! Last night, we watched the sun set from beach. It was gorgeous!

On Wednesday afternoon, we went out to some questionable Chinese food (we tried 3 different Chinese restaurants based on 4/5 star reviews and they were all super awful!) and then we walked down to the pier and looked out over the water. There was this otter that was really hamming it up in the water. I think he knew he had an audience. 

On Thursday, we visited the Aquarium. We loved it! The baby otters were super adorable and unfortunately, I didn't get a good pic of them. 

On Friday, we tried out this small sandwich shop in Monterey. I LOVE sandwiches, love, love, love!!!!

"Oh Jenny, do you still walk, do you still get into sandwiches in a big, big way?!"

We made our way to Carmel. This was one of my favorite parts of this week. The beach was gorgeous and so peaceful! There were amazing views and the waves were really large. We sat on the beach and watched the waves hit the sand. There were so many beautiful moments and I couldn't capture enough of them. 

This was a small inlet from the Ocean - everything was so colorful.

There were so many different kind of birds around the area.

The Ocean was a perfect bluish green.

My Love!

Our new friend...Seriously, it hung out with us the whole time.

I would have read more with Cam, but I was so distracted by everything else. His book seemed really interesting though.

The birds gathered in groups on the sand and every once in a while they'd all fly up...and then finally settle back down.

We spent a really long time there, it was bit windy which made it chilly, but I just didn't want the moment to end.

Saturday was my favorite day! Cam planned it all, which was a nice bonus and he took me along the 17 mile drive of Pebble Beach. It was breathtaking and my kind of heaven!! I was so content and in my element there, I didn't want to leave!

A thick fog sank in toward the end of our drive. It was so weird! It was all sunny and complete blue skies, and then cloudy, overcast, and windy.

On the far side, there was a baby seal with it's mama. It was adorable!!

The colors were beautiful!

This really kind old couple offered to take our picture.

It was an amazing visit, but we're both glad to be home. We really missed Bruno, our bed, and specifically my pillow. Pregnancy has been difficult when it comes to sleeping. 


Krista said...

I'm jealous of your vacation. What a fun get-a-way. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful. You captured some great moments. Being a person with allergies, the ocean has always been my favorite place. Beautiful colors and fresh air for me to breath.

Jeff and Erika Mitchell said...

I'm so glad you got to experience the beauty of the 17 mile drive. One of my new favorite spots! I hope you visited the Gheridelli chocolate factory some where in all that fun! Great pictures!

ShelbySpear said...

Thanks Krista, I have crazy allergies too! I loved it there, the air was so fresh!

We didn't go to the chocolate factory, Cam did mention it several times not that I think back...which makes me feel kind of bad.

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