Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's a March 25 Miracle!!

When I first got pregnant, I wasn't sure which OB/Hospital I should go to for my pregnancy. I asked a lot of people and was surprised that a lot of them didn't remember where they went or why they went there. A lot of the women I asked didn't even give birth in Spokane, so that didn't help much either.

I figured that the Valley hospital was super convenient, but the experiences that Cam and I have had there compared to the horror stories I've heard from other pregnant women and the fact that they're not equipped for high-risk pregnancies scared me a little.

My records were already at the Valley OB/GYN, and I had heard great things about Dr. Brown so I figured that I'd give it a try. I will say, Dr. Brown was super kind and a great listener. He asked a lot of questions and I felt safe with him (which isn't an easy thing for me when it comes to male doctors).

With that said, Dr. Brown was really the only thing going for that place. The receptionist was a bully and although I know that I'm a somewhat sensitive person, I was genuinely afraid to call in. When on the phone, the woman would ask me questions and then say, "That's NOT what I asked you", and then would ask me a different question to which she'd reply "And???" if I wasn't telling her fast enough. It was more pressure than I wanted from an OB/GYN clinic.

Aside from the crazy, hormonal receptionist, I couldn't shake off the feeling that the Valley was not where I was supposed to be. Whenever I would think about delivering at the Valley, I would panic and get super anxious.

I decided to ask friends and friends of friends who had twins, who they went to and why they liked it. I received a lot of great advice that I greatly appreciated! Most of the women went to Sacred Heart, a lot of them tried out other hospitals and didn't exactly hate them, but their experiences at SH were 10X better. A lot of them said that it was great that the Children's Hospital was just upstairs (which I didn't even think about), as well as the NICU.

I had several recommendations for doctors which again, I really appreciated (I have no idea what I'm doing)! I decided to go with Dr. Satterfield with OB/GYN Associates of Spokane. It's a smaller office made up mostly of women (I feel bad that that's part of what I liked the most), they deal specifically with high-risk/twin pregnancies (another bonus), and they're affiliated with Sacred Heart. Another bonus is that Dr. Satterfield has twins herself.

I was really excited about my choice and felt super great about it; However when I called, the soonest they could see me was the 15th of April (the receptionist was super nice though =)). I've already gone almost a month without seeing anyone and the idea of waiting even longer really scared me. I was feeling super frustrated about that, but figured I'd go see Dr. Brown on the 2 and then the new doctor on the 15, just so I had an appointment in between.

With that said, I decided to call them this morning to see if they had a cancellation and they did!!! I get to see them as early as this Thursday. I'm so excited and I feel confident that this is the right place for me. I'll keep you all updated!


Tanya Smith said...

Sacred heart also has delicious Otis spunkmier cookies in the cafeteria. I lived off those things for three weeks. I haven't delivered there, but it's a good choice!

ShelbySpear said...

Awesome, I'll have to remember that.

Krista said...

When I was pregnant with Lillian I started bleeding and went to the ER at the valley. They were awful! So I ended up switching docs to Spokane OBGYN who deliver at Sacred Heart. The hospital was fabulous. I had a wonderful experience with my doctor who delivered and the hospital staff. Sacred heart is a good way to go.

ShelbySpear said...

I've had really bad experiences with the ER at the Valley and I've heard so many stories like yours. I'm glad you were able to get the help you needed at SH!

Rebekah said...

Oh I'm so happy for you! Having a doctor and hospital you feel comfortable at is so important. I'm glad you could find one that fits your needs. You're going to love Sacred Heart!

ShelbySpear said...

I know, I really love them! I love that it's really easy to talk to them too, I called this morning for a prescription and they replied so quickly!

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