Monday, July 28, 2014

30 Weeks!!

I can't believe how close I am to the end here. We finally settled on a room for the nursery and the cribs are set up and have mattresses, protectors, and sheets on them. I bought a dresser that's super cute and I'm excited to put stuff in it.

That's the extent of our nursery at the moment. The recliner should come around the time the babies are born if not after...hopefully not after. 

The babies are doing great. I made a visit to Maternal Fetal Medicine at Sacred Heart back at the beginning of the month so they could check on our little girl and make sure she's doing alright. She is super small, but they said that she's still developing alright and she'll grow really well once she's out of my belly. They want to keep checking up on her and I have another appointment with them in a week. 

I've been having a hard time lately with heartburn. It's hard to explain and people tell me "Oh, I had heartburn when I was pregnant too," which is followed by, "you should take TUMS."

I'm not offended as I know they're just trying to be nice and helpful. My heartburn is awful though, I seriously wonder sometimes if I'm being punished for something I did in my past life. A couple nights ago, I woke up with really bad heartburn - it's deep in my chest where my sternum is and it's so painful and at it's worse, it's difficult to breathe. It was also causing contractions. 

I went through the drill, I took TUMS, Ranitidine, Maalox, diluted apple cider vinegar - I didn't think they would work but took them for the sake of trying everything. I didn't make it long before I threw all of this up. It took several rounds of puking to get it all out. The babies were really stressed and were kicking really hard. 

I didn't want to head all the way to Sacred Heart and figured if I could just go to the Valley and get a GI cocktail (it's a mixture of Maalox and lidocaine that helps numb your esophagus so you can't feel the pain), then I'd be alright. 

Cam would have been more than willing to take me, but I didn't want to wake him - especially since we've been through this so many times before and I'd rather he stay home and watch the dogs. So I snuck out and went to the Valley Hospital. 

There was one person ahead of me, but as soon as I said that I had heartburn, they didn't think it was very serious and let everyone to follow me go ahead of me. I was in excruciating pain and even though I knew the babies were just fine (again, we've been through this before many times), I was having a lot of painful contractions. 

I was finally seen and they gave me a GI cocktail. The pain eventually went away and I was able to return home, happy that I was no longer in pain. I was excited to go to church and hopped in the shower to get ready. When I got out, I tried to get ready but the pain was coming back even stronger than before. The GI cocktail always works so I was even more stressed and feeling helpless. 

The contractions were getting worse as well and finally I gave up and Cam took me to Sacred Heart. I've become a regular at their maternity triage and luckily, my specific OB was on call there. I felt pretty embarrassed and childish as I was crying and whining uncontrollably. 

I threw up a couple more times and then they strapped me to the monitor where they monitored the babies heartbeats and contractions. They were fine, just stressed out which was to be expected. They gave me another GI cocktail, but I threw it up shortly after drinking it. 

They drew blood and my liver enzymes were high. They took an ultra sound of my liver and everything looked normal, and they figured the enzymes were high because of all the throwing up.

They gave me more meds which tasted similar to apple cider vinegar - the nurse said that it tasted like sour gummy bears, but the woman lied! I threw up the first half and was able to finish the second half by taking small sips. That mixture didn't work, so they also gave me another pill that was supposed to be the strongest but safest pill on the market.

I was feeling helpless and exhausted. My entire body hurt so bad and all I could think about was being put down in some way....I think there was a point where I even asked my doctor to put me down. Cam called his father Mark, who came in and they gave me a blessing. Shortly after the pain just went away almost automatically. It was nothing short of a miracle. My heartburn had lasted for a total of 12 hours - quite the record!

I left soon after with a prescription to that pill. Cam stopped at McDonalds where I just ordered a plain cheeseburger. The heartburn started to come back and I couldn't even finish that. When I got home I crawled in bed and slept for only an hour, but when I woke up the pain was completely gone and has stayed that way since. 

That was a lot of information, I know. Cam's mom, sister, and sister-in-law brought us food last night which was very much appreciated - I don't think watermelon has ever tasted so good! Jon was amazing and came and took care of the dogs while we were gone yesterday - We are super blessed. 

I haven't been sleeping at all this month and both Cam and I were super exhausted last night. The dogs were great this morning and snuggled with us in bed as we slept in. I know it's small, but I was extremely grateful for that. 


andreamichelle said...

Tums didn't work for me either and it made me super sick as well to get heartburn. Pregnancy is pretty miserable. I figure at least I didn't have it as bad as my friends d Megan who has lupis, and got kidney stones several times when she was pregnant.

andreamichelle said...

I wasn't downplaying your heartburn. Just saying how miserable pregnancy is, and how it makes me have sympathy for those like Megan.

ShelbySpear said...

No, I get it! Maybe it's hereditary. I went to the doctor today and had to see a nurse practitioner instead as my doctor was on vacation. I tried asking her about my gallbladder, but she kind of just shut me down. She said to take TUMS and antacid and I just about lost it on the lady.

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