Saturday, June 8, 2013

I Don't Have a Clever Title

So this has felt like a really long week. I go through different phases in my cooking and it all really depends on what inspires me at the time. This week, I've really gotten into baking muffins. I had a bunch of bananas that I let ripen on my counter which turned into a whole lot of mini banana muffins. I hate eating bananas whole because I can't stand the texture, but I LOVE banana flavor!! I remember Western Family used to have these amazing popsicles and one of the flavors was banana - it was my favorite flavor....maybe along with grape.

A lot of times I will make snacks or leave fruit in a bowl on the kitchen counter for convenient meals, and a lot of times the food will sit there, and sit there, and sit there until it's gone bad. My muffins were perfect!! They made for easy, quick breakfasts and midday snacks and were eaten very quickly.

I'll have to post my muffin recipe later because I didn't take pictures of the finished another time. However, tonight I attempted cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting and they turned out amazing! Granted, I used a box mix - I know, I'm a cheater.

I made the cupcakes and let them cool, my biggest challenge was the cream cheese frosting. I had some blackberries and strawberries in my fridge that I wanted to incorporate. Here's the recipe for the frosting:

Cream Cheese Frosting
12 oz cream cheese
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup blackberries
16 oz of powdered sugar
1 tsp lemon juice

I creamed that together and once the cupcakes were cool, I spread on the frosting. 

Cam's a really tough critic when it comes to baking and he really really liked them! Which made me feel good. Cam's a sweetie though and I appreciate his honesty.

This week I also painted and decorated our living room. I love decorating and feel I have a knack for it. I love finding cheap but cute things and coordinating them in one room. 

Cam and I went from spending no time in this room to most our time in this room. We love relaxing in the afternoon reading or talking about our day.

I will add frames to the paintings in the future, I just don't care about it now.

I worked more on my garden this week but I don't have any pics, so that will be for another post. 


Jeff and Erika Mitchell said...

Cute! Can you come finish all of my projects!

ShelbySpear said...

Sure, I'm not crafty at all! But if you need me to cook for you, I'd be more than happy to.

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