Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fun with Friends

Today was our friend Natalie’s birthday and they so nicely invited us over. There were so many cute dogs for Bruno to play with and let’s be honest, Cam was probably more excited than Bruno.

Cam loves not having to bend over to pet Panda and Akasha

Panda was in heat so she had to wear boxers....until she peed on them. Bruno then couldn't keep off of her. Silly Bruno!

Natalie's friend's dog Duff playing in the pool. I guess I was shocked (seeing as Bruno doesn't like getting in his pool) that Duff just walked in, laid down and chilled for a little bit.

Oh the many faces of Bailey...she is definitely the mommy of the group and doesn't mind laying down the law a bit. We like that all the girls show Bruno who's boss!

Emmy wasn’t feeling very well, but she sure was cute!

Bruno and Shiloh played and fought a lot. Bailey looks really massive in the background.


The Crawfish were fun to play with!!


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