Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The HSG Scan (Warning:: Womanly details)

Yesterday I went to get an HSG scan. I've been seeing a fertility doctor in Coeur d' Alene who recommended I get one. This scan involves injecting dye up your cervix and into your tubes to check to see if there are any blockages. The dye lights up the tubes and they take x-rays of your uterus. My doctor told me beforehand that the most I would feel is menstrual-like cramps.

I laid on a table with an x-ray machine hooked on to it. He inserted the speculum, which wasn’t painful; Then, (according to the nurses, my doctor is the only one they know of that practices this technique) he took these clamps and pinched open the edges of my cervix to open it up more.

I can’t even describe the pain that I felt, it was more than excruciating!!!  I have pretty bad menstrual cramps, but on a scale of 1-10, my worst menstrual cramps were a 1 compared to the 10 that I felt. The most pain that I’ve ever felt in my life time. The process of shooting the dye up was extremely painful as well, my right side tubes were somewhat blocked, so he had to continually shoot dye up to try to reach those tubes. In a matter of seconds the pain was unbearable! I started to get hot flashes, which turned to cold sweats. I screamed, like Jason was killing me with a knife kind of scream, and then I blacked out for a couple seconds and then threw up.

He released the clamps and the pain almost completely abated. I was in shock and laid their clutching my husband's arm who felt pretty traumatized as well. The clamps tore my cervix and I was bleeding somewhat for the rest of the day. The nurses were all extremely sweet and sympathetic. They said that my doctor tends to have a “no nonsense” approach, and would rather just get it done his way than worry about the comfort of the patient. 

I couldn't move for 10 minutes, but Cameron helped get me dressed and took me home. A couple hours later though, the cramps started; I didn’t sleep at all last night, I couldn’t lay on my back, my side or my stomach due to the pain. I’ve heard from lots of women that it can be painful, but I wasn’t expecting this! 

I hope now that my tubes are clear enough. My doctor said that even though my right side is somewhat blocked, my left side is completely open. So the odds of conceiving should still be good.

I took some hydrocodone a couple hours ago and right now I’m feeling great…maybe a little too great, lol.


Madsen Family said...

Ah, worst. I'm sorry it was so traumatic! But I'm glad you did it, so now you can move on and figure out what to do from here. Was the dr. able to unblock the tube? Sometimes they can with the dye.

ShelbySpear said...

No. A little got through, but significantly not as much as the other side. He said it should be fine because the left side is so open.

Krista said...

The things we go through to get our children here. I hope the cramps go away soon and that things can progress from here.

ShelbySpear said...

Thanks Krista, I'm feeling MUCH better today.

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