Monday, April 28, 2014

Our Babies (update) and Bruno's Manhood

On Thursday we went in for our monthly ultra sound and I was about 16.5 weeks at the time. I met my doctor for the first time, who is super sweet and super chipper...seriously, really chipper! I was able to ask her questions and she listened to the heartbeats which are always nice to hear.

We weren't expecting to be able to find out the genders until 18 weeks, which is what they told us last time, but all of a sudden she was like "well, let's go find out what those babies are!" She went to go check on the ultra sound technician, and of course, Cam and I were getting really excited.

When we went back for the ultra sound, a part of me was trying to prepare myself to be disappointed...maybe their little legs would be in the way or an arm and we wouldn't be able to find out.

She found baby A really quickly and as soon as I heard "it's a girl", I just started bawling, laughing...all sorts of emotions. I was so happy! Then she moved over to baby B, and we all could see very clearly what the gender was: a baby boy!!!! Again, so many tears, and laughter.

Our Baby Girl

 Our Baby Boy

Both of us suspected that we were having one of each, but I don't think anything can prepare you for that moment. I was so happy and emotional and I still can't really fathom that I'm having one baby, let alone two. I know some people like to wait to find out the genders once their born, but I feel that either way, it's a surprise and this way I can be prepared.

They're both doing really well, and finally the same size (5oz). Apparently, they're the size of a pear this week.

I still haven't bought a thing. If I could, I'd move into our new home tomorrow for convenience sake. I'm going to be so pregnant when we do actually move and I'm afraid to buy anything until we do. I have been browsing online and figuring out exactly what I want, that way when the time comes, I can just buy it.

This year is a stressful one, but I'm trying to find ways and time to enjoy it. I sometimes feel guilty for wishing the time away.

On to other news, Bruno's getting neutered. He really has no idea what's in store for him tomorrow around 9:00 am.

As a loving tribute to two little boys that have been much a part of his life as they have ours (he likes to put them on us and then growl - as if we're the one's who dared touch his privates):


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