Saturday, April 20, 2013

Going Vegetarian...Well, sort of.

So Cam and I have been thinking lately how much we want to lose weight. We've tried a couple diets in the past, but none of them really worked. I remember the 

"The Group Weight-Loss Strategy of 2010"

This was unsuccessful. Before our wedding we all (Cam, myself, Karen, and Jon) decided that we would all lose weight together. We would weigh-in each week and keep each other accountable. I'm not even sure we made it to week 2. I remember the Weight Watchers meeting we had though, it was full of energy and high-hopes. 


"The Actual Weight Watchers Diet Plan of 2012"

We didn't really try to lose weight in 2011, but come 2012 I was focused. Cam knew he wanted to lose weight, but didn't want to have to go without good food. I promised that I'd take care of everything, and did so for more than expected.

We bought a food scale and I weighed out all our food and used a WW calculator online. I fluctuated between the same 10 lbs....that was fun. Cam lost almost 20 lbs but ended up gaining it back. We finally gave up on it and blamed it on the diet. We've been at the same miserable weights for about a year now...which has sucked!!!

On the way home from Utah yesterday, Cam said that he was ready to lose weight but not only that, he was ready to change his diet. This was huge progress! Before I felt that I was forcing him into a diet with me, but now he wants to. So now, we've come up with 2 plans that will work for us.

"The Eat Smaller Portions and More Fruits and Veggies Plan of 2013 For Cam"
Has a nice ring to it, I know...Soon this plan name will be in households across America.

And then...

"The Mostly Vegetable and Fruits Diet of 2013 for Rachelle"

I'm only going to do this diet for 3 weeks just because I want it to be more of a cleanse than an actual diet.

 Of course this wouldn't exclude some (very small amount) of bacon as a garnish...I'm not completely crazy.

I might extend it if it goes well, or add a little meat after 3 weeks. Forsaking meat is a hard thing to do, even if it is for 3 weeks. 

I'm excited and I hope that we'll actually stick to our diets. I'll be posting a lot more Veggie/Salad recipes. Hope you enjoy!


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